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About Sahina

A truth seeker since my teens, when I began asking the big questions - Why am I here? What's my purpose? Why do we suffer? Does God really exist? -  I've always been driven by a deep desire to understand life and by a quest for wholeness. 


A deep dive into spirituality led to exploring alternative medicine, the mind/body connection, psychology, emotional healing, metaphysics and more. Meditation opened my intuition in a powerful way, providing me with clear guidance from within. Whenever I followed the guidance, my life felt infused with grace, and challenges seemed to resolve in often miraculous ways.

After leaving the UK and spending several years in Europe, I found my spiritual home, San Francisco.  During twenty-five magical years there, I found much fulfillment working with clients as a Holistic Massage Practitioner and as a Professional Organizer. My intention has always been to evoke an experience of peace, clarity and wholeness in my clients.

I'm forever grateful for the love and wisdom of many spiritual teachers I was fortunate enough to encounter during my time in California. Several years of involvement in the early days of the Byron Katie community fully immersed me in her teachings, and were life-changing. Likewise, many years of attending Adyashanti satsangs were a great blessing. Eckhart Tolle, Rupert Spira and Mooji have also had a profound impact on me. I strongly resonate with The Abraham Teachings. More recently, the words of Oracle Girl, and her assertion that we are pure love, speak deeply to me. 

I currently reside in Somerset, England, where I grew up. I'm passionate about facilitating transformation in my clients, and sharing the easy-to-learn self-help tools that have been, and still are, profoundly helpful in my own life. 

Professional Training

  • Certification in Interfaith Spiritual Direction (Spiritual Companionship)

  • Certification in Hypnotherapy

  • Certification in Holistic Massage Therapy

  • Life Coaching (Co-Active Coaching) at The Coaches Training Institute (CTI)

  • Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Level 3

  • Hundreds of hours involvement in the Byron Katie community

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